Friday, April 22, 2011

Natural Bamboo Beaded Curtains

!: Great Deals Natural Bamboo Beaded Curtains free shipping

Rate : | Price : $19.99 | Post Date : Apr 22, 2011 12:06:27
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

All New Bamboo Door Beads and Beaded Curtains will fit in any standard doorway. size is 36" X 72" tall. Each set includes 31 strands, and a gift box. Our beaded curtains are fully assembled and ready to hang. Great for Doorways, Room Dividers, Wall Decorations and Window Treatments.

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Friday, April 8, 2011

floor covering to Tile Transitions, How-To

!: floor covering to Tile Transitions, How-To

Not everyone should try to do their own floor covering to tile transition but if you're up for it, I'm happy to share with you the basic steps.

This is a step by step, do-it-yourself tutorial. However, you may be far best off hiring a professional. Hiring a pro is more than worth the money when you reconsider that if you make just one mistake you

A. Ruin your carpet
B. Ruin your floor
C. Loose a much needed body part
D. Have to listen to your spouse whine about the lousy job you did

Making the transition from your newly laid tile to the floor covering isn't so difficult. It's just time consuming. Most citizen don't regularly use a metal bar, or marble threshold, or wooden one either. Most citizen would rather have a level floor covering to tile transition. However, it's your preference and ultimately your decision.

There are some ways to do a floor covering to tile transition. This step-by-step tutorial is fairly level transmit and will get the job done. You might pick to use a glue-down tack strip or Z-bar to attach your carpet. A "Shim" or "ramp" also may need to be used under the floor covering to help give the indispensable height so that the floor covering is level or slightly higher than your tile.

Let's Begin:

After the tile facility there is ordinarily some extra floor covering at the transition that needs to be attached.

Under the carpet:

At the start of this project, you should have padding up to the tile with floor covering on top. In order for the tack strip to be laid, some of the padding needs to be cut. A tack strip is just that - little nails poking out of a thin piece of wood which grabs the floor covering so it will not move. Pull the floor covering back far sufficient away so you can work.

Tools needed:
Here are the tools that you will need.

Tack strip - which can be purchased at any major home supply store. (There are two different types of tack strips 1. The blue are for wooden sub floors (they have longer, thinner nails) and the red are for concrete subfloors/foundations (they have short, fat nails in them). Make sure you purchase the right tack strip for the job as concrete nails won't hold in wood and wood nails won't go into concrete.

Stair tool. (You can also use a butter knife, a spatula, or a putty knife will probably work best). You will need this to tuck in the carpet

A slotted blade knife

A hammer.

Measure a piece of tack strip to the distance of the transition and cut with the stair tool or hack saw, wearing gloves to avoid the tacks.

Lay the tack strip so it is 1/4 inch away from the tile and nail it into the floor, manufacture sure the top side tacks are slanted toward the tile.

Trim the padding so that it butts up against the edge of the tack strip.

Stretch the floor covering to overlap the tack strip by 1/4 inch by using a floor covering kicker.

Secure the floor covering on the tacks, pressing firmly to ensure it is fastened.

Tuck the edge of the floor covering into the 1/4-inch gap between the tack strip and the tile using a the stair tool or putty knife and taking care not to snag and unravel the floor covering fibers.

The ultimate goal is with the door closed, you see only tile on one side and only floor covering on the other. You should not see the transition at all.

If you would like to be inescapable that the floor covering will never come up, place a bead of latex glue inside the gap between the tack strip and the carpet.

Now you understand the very most basic steps of a floor covering to tile transition. Good luck!

floor covering to Tile Transitions, How-To

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Monday, April 4, 2011

Bamboo Door Curtains For the Home

!: Bamboo Door Curtains For the Home

In designing your home, there are innumerable ways in which you can personalize your interior space. One such method that many habitancy neglect to think of is using bamboo door curtains to cover open doorways rather than the more standard wooden or metal doors prevalent in most western households. This "touch from the east" will add an exotic feel to your home at small cost.

Bamboo curtains can serve the prominent role of face the space of a doorway without having to go through the hassle of installing a standard metal or wooden door. Most habitancy do not have the practical skills of a handyman and would be likely to have to hire one in order to setup a door in their home. Bamboo door curtains, as opposed to standard wooden doors, are easy to setup and most habitancy will be perfectly able to setup them in their home on their own with ease.

Bamboo door curtains are typically made up of beaded strands that hang down vertically face the doorway. They work by hanging down and face the doorway but because they consist of numerous strands of beads hanging next to each other, they can absolutely be walked directly through. They supply the privacy of a standard metal or wooden door while serving a more creative attractive purpose as well. They also supply easier passage to a room than a standard door would and, in that sense, can add a sense of openness to the home that a solid door cannot.

One drawback to bamboo curtains that you have to think before installing them in your home is the fact that if you are using bamboo door curtains as your only means for face a doorway, there is no way of locking your door. If you are the type of man who absolutely enjoys the sense of security of a solid door for those moments when you want privacy within the house, bamboo door curtains may not be for you. On the other hand, if you are more of a group man who is open to the constant comings and goings of others then bamboo curtains may add a safe bet freeness to your home that you would enjoy.

Bamboo Door Curtains For the Home

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